Monday, July 6, 2009

Updating this blog & the wonders of social networking

No excuses-this blog has not been updated for nearly a year as we limited social networking to Myspace, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr. I held out on opening a Twitter account as I wasn't convinced that "tweeting" could be of benefit, but I soon discovered its advantages. The delivery of a simple one-liner with a link (even utilizing lends quite a bang for the buck. I would love to know who comes up with names like "twitter" and "tweet" as I really can't remember either of these words frequently gracing my vocabulary in the past. I can guarantee that "tweet" never described any action of mine. Spammers still abound on Twitter as you notice a new "follower" appeals to those "come take a look at my naughty pictures". No problem, as blocking is an easy feature.
So why update this blog? To include this link in tweets of course.

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